e10s-plugins will not merge to mozilla-central any more
Benjamin Smedberg
2009-12-21 17:21:55 UTC
I've decided not to "merge" the plugin changes from electrolysis to
mozilla-central any more. The gymnastics necessary were good for the initial
commit to preserve blame, but are creating more confusion than help now.

Checkins to OOPP now need to happen in mozilla-central. Feel free to land
them first in the Electrolysis branch if you'd like to get additional
testing. Normal review rules apply in either case.

After pushing changes to mozilla-central, please also update this wiki page:


I'm using this page to track all the changes necessary for OOPP so that they
can be backported to Firefox "Lorentz", the stable release scheduled for
early next year which will come from the 1.9.2 branch.

